Shipping is available within the North American region, and charges are based on quantity and location. For international orders, please contact us directly for more information on how to purchase.
All items are listed with shipment origins for clarification of processing times. Depending on the status, some items are assembled to order and dropshipped directly from the manufacturer, and most items will ship directly from The Drumline Networks warehouse in the Southeastern United States.
Shipping Fees are non-refundable.
Shipping carriers include United States Postal Service, United Parcel Service, and FedEx. Vendors are chosen based on the location and package contents and size.
Due to current COVID-19 conditions, all RudiCubes® orders will ship via USPS in carefully packaged boxes for the safety and convenience of both our company and buyers.
RudiCubes® orders are in-stock and ready to ship.
Customers will receive updated status emails to notify them of their orders, and the final estimated delivery date.
Shipping Fees are non-refundable.